What is Florida wind mitigation?

What is Florida wind mitigation?

Wind mitigation specifically targets the structural and nonstructural aspects that prevent or lessen damage caused by high winds that occur with storms. In Florida, our primary concern is the wind damage caused by hurricanes.

Can Citizens insurance drop me?

It may be hard to fathom, butCitizens Property Insurance Corp., the state-run insurer of last resort, can drop customers. For non-payment, of course. But also for owning a house or condominium worth more than $1 million. Or having a roof that won’t last three years, and a few other less-common reasons. Mar 18, 2012

What is Windpool?

It provides coverage for the perils of wind and hail in the coastal area of the state designated by the Legislature as “”Beach.”” The territory is defined by state law. Although its official name is the South Carolina Wind and Hail Underwriting Association, it is often referred to as the Wind Pool.

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