What is better HO3 or HO5?

What is better HO3 or HO5?

An HO-3 policy only covers personal property for named perils, while an HO-5 policy covers personal property for open perils. In simple terms, this means an HO-5 insurance policy is more comprehensive and covers damage to your personal property in all cases, except damage specifically excluded from your policy. Feb 23, 2022

What is an HO 5?

Sometimes called the comprehensive form, an HO5 policy is a type of home insurance written on an open-perils basis. This means your insurer covers damage to your home and personal property when it’s caused by an event, or peril, as long as it’s not listed as an exclusion in the policy.

Is Progressive good at paying claims?

Progressive ranks sevenths out of the nine car insurance companies reviewed. Their rates are often higher than average, and they underperform in several categories, including customer service, claims handling, and customer loyalty. Dec 17, 2021

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