What is average policy?

What is average policy?

Average policy refers to a policy followed in fire insurance which states that the insurance company will only pay the rate able proportion of loss which means that if the sum insured is less than the actual amount of loss then the insurance company will only pay to sum of the assets which were insured and occurred …

How does average work in insurance?

Simply the Condition of Average says that if you declare an insured value that is X% of the true value, then you have only paid X% of the premium due and will only receive X% of your claim. Feb 9, 2016

What is under insurance with example?

Under insurance is when the amount of insurance cover is less than the actual value of the insured items. It may also be less than the replacement value of the insured items. For example if a property of the actual and market value for Rs. 100000/- is insured for Rs.

See also  What happens if you under insure your house?