What is an HO 6?

An HO6 insurance policy is homeowners insurance for those who own a condominium or co-op unit. As a condo or co-op unit owner, you own and are likely responsible for damages to your unit.

Will insurance cover foundation leaks?

It will cover a foundation leak only if the leak occurred due to a covered cause. For example, if the plumbing in the soil surrounding the home leaks and cracks the foundation, the underlying cause is a covered plumbing issue. The foundation leak would be covered. Nov 22, 2021

Does home insurance cover ceiling cracks?

A ceiling collapse in your home can be devastating, causing damage to your home, personal goods and perhaps injuring individuals who live in or visit your home. When this happens, call your home insurance company right once since structural damage will be covered under your total repair and replacement coverage limit. Oct 16, 2021

See also  What is an HO 5?