What is a hazard insurance policy?

What is a hazard insurance policy?

Hazard insurance protects a property owner against damage caused by fires; lightning; hail-, wind-, snow-, or rainstorms; or other natural events. Hazard coverage is usually a subsection of a homeowners insurance policy that protects the main dwelling and other nearby structures, such as a garage.

How would the hazard insurance premium be prorated?

1. How would the hazard insurance premium be prorated? Since the seller has prepaid the buyer’s share of the premium, in the closing statement the seller is credited with $249.90 while the buyer is charged that amount.

What is a hazard in insurance terms?

A hazard may be any action, condition, habit, circumstance, or situation that makes a peril more likely to occur or a loss more likely to be suffered as the result of a peril. The insurance industry commonly divides hazards into three categories: physical, moral, and morale.

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