What is a 12 month guarantee?

What is a 12 month guarantee?

It usually includes assurances about the quality of the item, or service, as well as a promise to provide repair or replacement if something goes wrong within a set amount of time (for example, within 12 months after purchase). It is a legally binding document that can be enforceable through the courts if necessary. Jun 22, 2020

Why extended warranties are a waste of money?

Extended warranties are rarely worth your money. Products don’t break on their own, and when they do, the price of repairs is usually lower than what you’d spend on an extended warranty. Sure, some people have saved a lot of money with extended warranties. Jul 16, 2019

Why are extended warranties bad?

While it may sound like a good idea in theory, extended warranties often come with a high price tag and don’t necessarily cover everything that could go wrong. Plus, many people who buy extended warranties never use them. In that case, an extended warranty becomes a cost with no financial return. Oct 7, 2021

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