What happens if your house burns down from wildfire?

What happens if your house burns down from wildfire?

You’ll still need to make mortgage payments — even if your home is destroyed. You’ll also need to continue any car payments and replace any credit or debit cards that may have been destroyed in the house fire. Recover your possessions. Items destroyed in a house fire are usually covered by insurance.

Is forest fire covered by fire insurance?

If the property is damaged due to bursting/overflowing of the water tank, it will be covered. Setting fire to overgrown bushes/plants may end up damaging the property. This will be covered under the policy. Please note that the policy will not cover the destruction caused due to the forest fire.

Are ACE and Chubb the same?

ACE Limited has recently acquired Chubb Corporation, creating a new global insurance leader. The acquisition and change of name from ACE Group to Chubb was a commercial business decision for the two organisations and their shareholders.

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