What happens if Neighbours tree falls on my house?

What happens if Neighbours tree falls on my house?

If your neighbour’s tree falls on your house, your own house and property insurance should cover you, similarly if your tree is blown onto your neighbour’s property their home insurance should cover him. Feb 18, 2022

What is covered under Coverage A?

What Is Coverage A – Dwelling Insurance? Also known as main structure coverage, dwelling coverage is the part of your home insurance that pays to repair or rebuild your home’s physical structure (think: walls, floors, roof, windows, support beams, and foundation) when a covered incident damages it.

What does homeowners coverage b other structures coverage?

Coverage B, also known as other structures insurance coverage, is the part of your homeowners policy that protects structures on your property not physically connected to your home, such as a detached garage, storage shed, or gazebo.

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