What does trace and access mean on a home insurance plan?

What does trace and access mean on a home insurance plan?

‘Trace and access’ refers to the part of your home insurance policy that covers you for finding the source of a water leak. Feb 25, 2020

Is it worth getting accidental damage cover?

Accidental damage cover is an optional extra you can add to your home insurance policy. You may prefer to cover the cost of any accidents or breakages yourself. However, if you can’t do that, it’s worth considering the benefits. Jul 27, 2021

Can you buy legal cover separately?

Customers can buy legal expenses insurance as a standalone policy or as an optional ‘add-on’ to other policies. When customers take out a motor insurance policy for example, they’re often offered the option of legal expenses insurance to fund the cost of taking legal action and recover the uninsured losses. Jan 26, 2021

Can I buy legal expenses insurance?

You can’t generally buy legal expenses insurance directly; most policies are purchased as additional services through home or motor insurance providers.

What does legal protection mean?

countable noun [usually plural] Protections are laws and other official measures intended to protect people’s rights and freedoms.

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