What does P&C stand for in insurance?

What does P&C stand for in insurance?

Property insurance and casualty insurance (also known as P&C insurance) are types of coverage that help protect you and the property you own.

What is the difference between homeowners insurance and property insurance?

Homeowners insurance covers liability, which you face if a visitor suffers injury or property damage while on your property. Unless you purchase a separate liability policy or add this coverage to your policy with a rider for a separate premium, standard property dwelling insurance does not come with this protection.

Which type of insurance usually requires higher premium?

Broad Form insurance typeSolution(By Examveda Team) Broad Form insurance type of insurance usually requires higher premium. Broad form insurance coverage extends beyond the basics to include rare events that may be of serious risk to the insured. This type of insurance usually requires that a higher premium, and often a deductible, be paid.

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