What does HiPPO acronym mean?

What does HiPPO acronym mean?

Wilson coined the acronym HIPPO to summarize those threats in order of descending importance. H=Habitat Loss, I=Invasive Species, P=Pollution, P=Human Population, and O=Overharvesting. Jan 9, 2018

What does hippopotamus stand for?

Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibious): The name “hippopotamus” comes from a Greek word meaning “water horse” or “river horse.” AKA: Hippo. Kingdom: | Animalia. Phylum: | Chordata. Class: | Mammalia. Jul 9, 2020

What is HiPPO effect?

HiPPO Effect is the effect where the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO) affects the decision rather than underlying data. Such people are usually senior in the organization and their opinions influence the group’s discussion. Aug 18, 2020

What Does Penguin taste like?

They taste like “a piece of beef, odiferous cod fish and a canvas-backed duck roasted together in a pot, with blood and cod-liver oil for sauce”. Today’s polar explorers don’t have to eat penguins anymore. Nov 12, 2018

Do people eat giraffe?

While not all giraffe hunting is illegal — people pay handsomely for safaris on private land in South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe — many of those who harvest these long-necked herbivores are poachers trafficking in bushmeat. Feb 10, 2014

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