What are the three most common toxins for which homes are tested?

What are the three most common toxins for which homes are tested?

The Most Common Toxins Found in Homes Today Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) …Pesticides. …Mold and Other Fungal Toxins. …Phthalates and PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) …Dioxins. …Heavy Metals. …Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) …Chloroform.

Can living in an old house make you sick?

Is your house making you sick? Don’t be surprised if the answer is yes. Toxins, pesticides, gases, mites, and molds are everywhere, and the more you’re exposed to them, the greater your risk for developing the health problems they can cause.

How do you prove mold is making you sick?

What are the symptoms of mold exposure? coughing. wheezing. nose stuffiness. red or itchy eyes. skin rash. sore throat. Jul 30, 2021

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