What are my options if my house burns down?

What are my options if my house burns down?

Contact your insurance companyIf you lose your home to a fire, the standard homeowners insurance policy will cover the cost of damages. Just make sure you report the loss as soon as possible. You’ll want to get in touch with your agent or broker and file a claim right away. Apr 25, 2021

What happens to mortgage if house is destroyed?

What happens if your house is destroyed? You must continue to pay your mortgage even if your home is destroyed or unlivable due to a disaster. Failure to pay your mortgage could put your loan in default, which could trigger a foreclosure.

Do you still pay your mortgage if your house burns down?

If your house goes up in flames, does your obligation to pay your mortgage go with it? Borrowers are bound by the promissory note they sign at the closing of a home purchase or refinance to make monthly mortgage payments. Even the total loss of the mortgaged property doesn’t relieve borrowers of this obligation. Jan 11, 2017

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