Should I replace my polybutylene pipes?

Should I replace my polybutylene pipes?

Polybutylene pipes typically become brittle and leak within 15 years. If you have them in your home, replacing them can help prevent expensive damage from a pipe leak. Nov 1, 2021

What is the life expectancy of polybutylene pipe?

How long do PB (polybutylene) pipes last? You can expect PB (polybutylene) pipe to last less than 30 years. It has not been manufactured since the mid-1990s, is no longer approved by the building codes, and failure as early 10 years led to class-action lawsuits against the manufacturers. Dec 26, 2019

What damages PB piping?

They were inexpensive and easy to install–but homeowners and plumbing professionals have discovered one serious flaw: Over time, oxidation, and exposure to chlorine in the water supply causes the pipes to swell and crack, leading to widespread flood damage throughout the home, usually without any warning.

What causes polybutylene to fail?

The reason appears to be that chemicals, including chlorine commonly added to the water supply, can erode the plastic, which causes the joints to leak. The erosion and failure can take years to happen, which means that there are polybutylene systems that haven’t failed yet but might. Jul 28, 2001

Do all polybutylene pipes fail?

In most cases it takes years for polybutylene systems to fail. While it may leak within a few years of installation, the majority of leaks start to occur in the 10-15 year time frame. Myth: You will not have a problem selling your home with poly: This depends on the awareness of the buyer or prospective buyer.

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