Is PMI deductible in 2021?

Is PMI deductible in 2021?

Taxpayers have been able to deduct PMI in the past, and the Consolidated Appropriations Act extended the deduction into 2020 and 2021. The deduction is subject to qualified taxpayers’ AGI limits and begins phasing out at $100,000 and ends at those with an AGI of $109,000 (regardless of filing status). Jul 21, 2021

Why does my house insurance keep going up?

Insurance providers raise the cost of coverage to keep up with the increasing cost to repair or replace your home—due to inflation. The age of your home will also affect the price of your coverage. Older homes have a greater need for repair and maintenance.

Does smoking affect house insurance?

Smokers. Being a smoker won’t invalidate your home insurance, but if you lie about you or anyone you live with smoking, your insurer could refuse a claim that started with a lit cigarette.

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