Is Lemonade insurance a broker?

Is Lemonade insurance a broker?

Lemonade is actually two companies. It is a risk-bearing insurance company AND a brokerage firm. When you buy a policy from Lemonade, the 20% fee goes immediately to the brokerage firm.

Do I have to let a neighbor drain his roof water into my down pipe?

No – You are not allowed to channel roof water through a down pipe on to your neighbour’s property.) Maintain your flood defences (if you have any). If failure to maintain these defences leads to flooding, you could face a claim in negligence or nuisance.

Who is responsible for the sewer on my property?

Generally speaking, you’re usually responsible for drains inside the boundaries of your property, while the sewerage company is responsible for lateral drains, which are usually outside of property boundaries, and sewers. Although most sewers are now publicly owned, there are still some private or unadopted sewers.

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Who is responsible for downpipes?

General principle is as you would expect – the downpipe is the property and responsibility of the person whose roof it drains. Usually it is wholly on the land of that person, too, although not always. Mar 26, 2014

Does a leaseholder pay for roof repairs?

The freeholder is usually responsible for: repairs to the building’s structure, including the roof and guttering, repairs to shared parts of the building, such as lifts and communal stairways, buildings insurance (to protect the entire building from accidents and disasters such as fire or flood).

How do I find out where a leak is coming from?

Stay Alert to Leaking Clues Wall discoloration. This could indicate water leaking from behind the drywall and soaking through to the front side. …Bubbling paint or bulging wallpaper. Both are signs that the wallboard is wet and the paint or wallpaper is no longer adhering tightly. …A dripping sound. …A musty smell. Sep 22, 2020

What are landlords responsible for repairs?

Your landlord is always responsible for repairs to: the property’s structure and exterior. basins, sinks, baths and other sanitary fittings including pipes and drains. heating and hot water.

Can my Neighbour remove my boundary fence?

Your neighbour doesn’t have to change a wall or fence just because you want them to, for example making it higher for privacy. You can’t make changes to your side without their permission, such as painting it. If the wall or fence seems dangerous, point this out because your neighbour might not be aware. Feb 15, 2018

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Can my Neighbour take down my fence to build an extension?

When it comes to fence feuds, planners will not get involved. Paula Higgins, chief executive of HomeOwners Alliance, told The Sun: “”If you own the fence and it is on your property, neighbours have no right to take it down even if they have been granted planning permission. Mar 1, 2022

Can you ask a Neighbour to cut down a tree?

The law states that any branches cut off belong to the person on whose land the tree originally grew, so you should ask your neighbour if they want them back, or if they are happy for you to dispose of them.

Can my Neighbours scaffolding overhang my property?

Generally, scaffolding put up without permission is a trespass. In fact, a trespass may occur even without any scaffolding being on the land itself. It is enough if it projects over the property’s airspace or is laid against a boundary wall belonging to the landowner next door. Sep 18, 2020

Who is responsible for damage to neighbors property?

Neighbour has no legal liability for damageIn the majority of cases, the neighbour will have no legal liability for the damage so you will have to manage the situation yourself or go through your insurer. If the leak was unanticipated by the neighbour then they will not be held liable for the damage. May 15, 2017

How do I make a claim against someone else’s home insurance?

To file a liability claim against someone else’s insurance, you need to know their full name, the name of their insurance provider, and their policy number. If the responsible party refuses to share their insurance information, then you have the option of filing a lawsuit. Dec 21, 2021

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Who owns fruit hanging over a fence?

Fruits naturally falling upon adjacent land belong to the owner of said land. If the fruits still hang on to the tree, they are still owned by the tree owner. It is only after they have NATURALLY fallen, not taken down by poles or shaken, that they belong to the owner of the invaded land. Oct 6, 2020

Is there a legal height for Neighbours trees?

In general, there is no specific limit to the height that a tree is allowed to grow, but if the trees form a vegetative screen that is limiting a neighbours usage/enjoyment then it could be a High Hedge issue which Planning Enforcement would potentially get involved with.