Is it hard to get homeowners insurance after being dropped?

Is it hard to get homeowners insurance after being dropped?

Chances are your search could be difficult because of the same reasons you were dropped. However, going without coverage is inadvisable for many reasons, not least that gaps in your coverage will negatively affect your rates or ability to find affordable coverage. 3 days ago

Does a CCJ affect home insurance?

Does CCJ affect home insurance? Having a CCJ or County Court Judgement against you and therefore being on The Register of Judgements, Order and Fines may make it more difficult to get home insurance from some insurers as these individuals are believed to be of higher risk.

What is the average cost of homeowners insurance in Florida?

The average cost of homeowners insurance in Florida is $1,648 per year for a $250,000 dwelling coverage policy. This is about 19% higher than the national average premium of $1,383 per year for the same amount of coverage. 2 days ago

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