Is daycare better than staying home with Mom?

Is daycare better than staying home with Mom?

A study published this month in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found that daycare children are better behaved and socialized than children who are cared for in at-home settings. Oct 4, 2018

Why do people choose daycare?

Most people choose to work in childcare because they enjoy working with children. You may have a large number of siblings, relatives, or younger family members to care for, or you may have worked as a babysitter for several years and believe that this is the groundwork for a career you can be passionate about. Nov 9, 2021

Is D and C covered by insurance?

Mediclaim insurance covers expenses on hospitalisation for a minimum period of 24 hours. This time limit factor is not applicable in the case of treatments such as dialysis, chemotherapy, lithoripsy, radiotherapy, eye surgery, dental surgery, tonsillectomy, D&C taken in hospital/nursing homes. Jan 28, 2013

What is the difference between IPD and OPD?

OPD stands for Outpatient Department, whereas, IPD full form is Inpatient Department. In OPD a patient is not admitted but in an IPD, a patient is admitted for at least 24 hours. 6 days ago

What is OPD limit?

The OPD coverage provided is limited to 0.5% of the sum insured or a maximum up to Rs 1 lakh, whichever is less. The out-patient expenses covered in this plan are in-network pharmacy, doctor consultations, diagnostic tests, and physiotherapy.

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