Is AAA car insurance good?

Is AAA car insurance good?

AAA is a pretty good insurance company that has built a reputation for providing reliable policies to its members at affordable prices, with the help of generous discounts. In addition to its auto, homeowners, and life insurance policies, AAA offers coverage for boats, motorcycles, pets and more. 4 days ago

Which insurance is best third party or comprehensive?

Key DifferencesThird-Party Insurance Premium Price Cheaper than the comprehensive insurance and the rates are pre-determined by IRDAI. Which one should you buy? If you are driving an old car or you drive your car very less the best option to go for is a third-party cover and pay low premiums. 5 more rows

Is comprehensive insurance the best?

“Fully comprehensive car insurance gives you the highest level of protection from an accident, regardless of whose fault it was. It can cover repairs, personal injury claims and damage to property – usually for you, your vehicle and any other vehicles involved.

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