Is 883 a good credit score?

Is 883 a good credit score?

A credit score of 721-880 is considered fair. A score of 881-960 is considered good. A score of 961-999 is considered excellent (reference: TransUnion (formerly known as Callcredit) is the UK’s second largest CRA, and has scores ranging from 0-710.

Is 800 a good insurance score?

FICO’s scale ranges between 300 and 900. Scores above 700 are considered good, and anything above 800 is considered exceptional (and of little risk for the company).

What is a LexisNexis score?

LexisNexis® Order Score helps to verify online consumers at the point of sale to enable your business to detect high-risk transactions, prevent fraud and deliver a customer experience with minimal friction.

Is Experian better than Credit Karma?

Experian vs. Credit Karma: Which is more accurate for your credit scores? You may be surprised to know that the simple answer is that both are accurate. Read on to find out what’s different between the two companies, how they get your credit scores, and why you have more than one credit score to begin with. Oct 13, 2021

What is an excellent credit score?

Although ranges vary depending on the credit scoring model, generally credit scores from 580 to 669 are considered fair; 670 to 739 are considered good; 740 to 799 are considered very good; and 800 and up are considered excellent.

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