How much does Jake from State Farm earn?

How much does Jake from State Farm earn?

Jake from State Farm Salary And the Jake state farm salary is $10,000 to $15,000 per commercial as per the available source. Actor Kevin Miles was appeared as Jake for marketing a reputed insurance company of USA. The real Jake who cast as jack in the insurance company, that agent name is Jake Stone. Feb 11, 2022

Why did Jake from State Farm turn black?

The new Jake is black, which is the most obvious indicator for seeing this as a diversity casting. Others speculate that this decision isn’t race motivated, that it’s about sexual orientation. May 13, 2020

Who is Jake State Farm 2021?

Thus, the company hired aspiring actor Kevin Mimms, who is now the current “Jake from State Farm” agent. Nov 10, 2021

What does Kevin Mimms make?

Kevin Mimms Salary Kevin Mimms makes around $85,000 in a year.

Who is Jake from State Farm?

The character was played by Jake Stone, a real State Farm employee. Stone won an internal casting competition to land the part of a customer care agent. He was essentially playing himself, but proved the perfect foil to the hysteria on the other end of the line. Jake from State Farm quickly took off. Mar 21, 2022

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