How many insurance agents are there in the US in 2020?

How many insurance agents are there in the US in 2020?

Of these, 1.5 million were employed with insurance companies, while the remaining 1.2 million were insurance agents or brokers, or they worked for other insurance-related enterprises.

What is included in P&C insurance?

Property and casualty insurance is a broad insurance, which includes coverage to your structure, property and belongings in the event of vandalism, theft, and more. If a thief were to break into your home, you would be protected up to your covered limits under your homeowners insurance policy.

How big is the US insurance market?

$1.28 trillionInsurance industry at-a-glance U.S. insurance industry net premiums written totaled $1.28 trillion in 2020, with premiums recorded by property/casualty (P/C) insurers accounting for 51 percent, and premiums by life/annuity insurers accounting for 49 percent, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence.

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