How long does Turo take to approve?

How long does Turo take to approve?

about 24 hours“It takes Turo about 24 hours to approve new users. You can get approved to drive before you book a car by going to your account page. You can check your approval status on your account page. If you get denied, you may be asked for more information.

What percentage does Turo take?

15% to 40%Depending on where you live, it’s possible to book many customers quickly. How much does Turo take from my fees? While Turo does take 15% to 40% of the rental cost, that cut covers insurance for your vehicle and advertising on the site, which gets you customers. Jan 12, 2021

Why did I not get approved for Turo?

You may have forgotten to enter or verify a key piece of information, such as your phone number, email address, driver’s license, or payment card. Or we may still be reviewing your materials. Log onto Turo and go to your Account page. Scroll down to see your “Approval status.”

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