How does Liberty provident fund work?

How does Liberty provident fund work?

The Liberty Corporate Unclaimed Benefits Pension and Provident Preservation Funds are Liberty sponsored funds into which Unclaimed Benefits from occupational funds can be transferred. Their purpose is to receive, trace and pay the Unclaimed Benefits of members that have been transferred into the fund.

What is Section 37C?

Section 37C of the Pension Funds Act 24 of 1956 (“the Act”) governs the distribution and payment of lump sum benefits payable on the death of a member of a pension fund, provident fund, pension and provident preservation fund and retirement annuity fund. These benefits are colloquially known as “death benefits”.

How do I cancel my liberty policy?

The policy may be cancelled at any time by giving one calendar month’s written notice by informing Zestlife accordingly.

What is Liberty Fund Number?

Contact your fund financial adviser for further information regarding your investment options. Alternatively, you can contact Liberty’s benefit counsellors on or 011 558 2999.

What is liberty active?

Liberty Active Ltd. provides investments and other financial services. The Company offers products such as aggressive, balanced, capital preservation, international, offshore equity, property managed, and standard bank managed funds. Liberty Active operates in South Africa.

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