How do insurance companies get easy money from long time customers?

How do insurance companies get easy money from long time customers?

That’s a great money-making proposition for insurance companies. An insurer gets the money up front from customers, in the form of policy payments. They may or may not have to pay off a claim on that policy, and they can put the money to work for them right away earning investment income on Wall Street. May 30, 2019

Can I cancel my home insurance after automatic renewal?

My insurance has automatically renewed, can I cancel it? If you missed your letter or email which notified you about your policy being renewed, don’t fear. You should have a 14 day cooling off period during which you should be able to cancel your policy for a minimal or no fee. Oct 19, 2020

How do I cancel my legal and general policy?

If you’ve taken everything into account and still feel you have no alternative but to cancel your Legal & General Life Insurance, here’s how you can do it: Call 0370 010 4080. We may record and montior calls, and call charges vary.

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