Does Progressive own the general?

Does Progressive own the general?

Did Progressive buy The General? No. In early 2013, they were acquired by American Family Insurance, making them an even bigger play in the insurance space. Oct 15, 2021

Is the general and progressive the same company?

Chances are you’ve seen more than one commercial from either in the past month. Progressive was founded in 1937, while The General was founded in 1963. Both are widely-trusted companies, but which has the discounts, services, and customer ratings that matter most to you? See how they stack up below.

Does Shaq own the general insurance?

Auto Industry Mogul? Shaquille O’Neal is regularly approached by individuals and companies with various endorsement and business proposals, most of which he turns down. However, the latest company to get a “yes” from Shaq is The General auto insurance company, which currently sells insurance in 44 U.S. states.

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