Does it matter who is primary driver on car insurance?

Does it matter who is primary driver on car insurance?

Answer provided by “The short answer is yes, it does matter, especially if your daughter is a younger driver. People under 25 face some of the highest rates for car insurance because they’re statistically more likely to get into accidents and file claims.

What is the difference between a named insured and a driver?

“Named insured refers to the person who opened the policy. Second named insured refers to a person on the policy who can make changes to the policy, including renewal and cancellation. Anyone listed as a driver is insured, but they cannot make changes to the policy.

How can I get a good deal on my home insurance?

12 Ways to Lower Your Homeowners Insurance Costs Shop around. …Raise your deductible. …Don’t confuse what you paid for your house with rebuilding costs. …Buy your home and auto policies from the same insurer. …Make your home more disaster resistant. …Improve your home security. …Seek out other discounts. More items…

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