Does Gabi charge a fee?

Does Gabi charge a fee?

Gabi is completely free to use. There is no obligation to move forward after your quote comparison and we will never charge you any fees. How much can I save using Gabi? Everyone is different, but we are generally able to find savings for about two-thirds of our customers, with an average savings of $961 per year.

Is Gabi an American company?

Gabi’s engineering team is based in Lodz, Poland, and the company has 95 employees overall. Jan 29, 2020

Does Gabi sell your info?

“We never sell or share data with third parties, and we also explain why we need each piece of personal information and how it is stored securely.” Here are the types of information Gabi needs to help you save money on insurance policies, and how we use that information. Phone number. Aug 27, 2018

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