Do tires from Walmart have a warranty?

Do tires from Walmart have a warranty?

Walmart offers a road hazard warranty for $10 per tire. The warranty covers unforeseen road hazards, flat repairs and free replacement of non-repairable tires within the first 25% of tread wear. Dec 1, 2021

What’s the difference between a warranty and a protection plan?

While a manufacturer’s warranty will only cover defective parts, pre-existing at time of purchase, extended protection plans will cover issues that come up from normal product use. Jan 11, 2021

Can Walmart look up your receipt?

Walmart can ask to check your receipt when you leave the store. In fact, they very often do due to significant revenue losses caused by theft. However, you are not obligated to show your receipt, and Walmart associates cannot take any further action if you refuse to show your receipt.

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