Do tigers eat tigers?

Do tigers eat tigers?

If a rogue tiger invaded its territory, it would have no hesitation in attacking, but it would normally eat other large animals. Siberian tigers will scavenge a tiger carcass if sufficiently hungry, but do not like the taste of carnivores’ meat, especially that of their own kind. Jul 11, 2012

Is elephant meat good eating?

It also contains more potassium and vitamin C than beef, pork, or chicken. It is also high in zinc which helps to boost the immune system. Elephant meat is a good source of protein with more overall grams per 100g than any other animal product, including beef. Mar 17, 2022

Do people eat giraffe?

While not all giraffe hunting is illegal — people pay handsomely for safaris on private land in South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe — many of those who harvest these long-necked herbivores are poachers trafficking in bushmeat. Feb 10, 2014

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