Do Samsung buds come with warranty?

Do Samsung buds come with warranty?

Yes, they have the standard 1 year warranty. You’ll just need a copy of the receipt showing you purchased (even if they were free) the buds. Samsung offers a warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship for one year. Mar 1, 2020

Does Samsung warranty cover accidental damage?

The warranty does not cover accidental damage. If your device has a smashed or cracked screen, this will be deemed out of warranty. If the device has deep scratches or dents that cause the device not to operate, this would also be classed as out of warranty.

Can I claim warranty without receipt?

“The onus of maintaining records will be on the manufacturer. A consumer can claim benefits under the warranty clause even if he does not have an invoice of the purchase,” Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said here. Mar 23, 2016

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