Do I have to tell my life insurance if I start smoking?

Do I have to tell my life insurance if I start smoking?

No. Your cover is based on your smoker status when you applied. As long as the information was accurate at the time, your premiums are guaranteed, regardless of any changes to your personal health. If your policy was previously with Friends Life, this may not apply, so check your policy documents or contact us.

How do life insurance policies know if you smoke?

Insurers will assume that your application is truthful, but if they later suspect anything is amiss, they could ask for a urine or saliva test to find out whether or not you are a smoker. They might even contact your GP for information on your medical history, which will reveal whether you have smoked in your lifetime. Jun 9, 2020

Is your insurance higher if you smoke?

Tobacco Rating The Affordable Care Act allows insurance companies to charge smokers up to 50% more for premiums. The explanation for this is simply that smokers are more likely to develop health concerns in the future, and therefore represent a greater risk for insurance companies.

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