Can you claim a TV on house insurance?

Can you claim a TV on house insurance?

Most home insurance policies will pay out for damage to home entertainment equipment like televisions or stereos. However, other accidents like marker pen on the walls or fruit juice spillages might require extended accidental damage cover if you want to claim. Feb 11, 2021

Is laptop covered under home insurance?

Yes. Just like any other type of personal property, homeowners insurance provides coverage for laptops for the same scenarios it would for everything else. However, if a laptop is extremely valuable, you might want to purchase extra coverage to insure it for the full replacement cost. Mar 25, 2020

Can you claim for a broken laptop on house insurance?

To cover a laptop against accidental damage in the home you will need to select Extra Accidental Damage cover. If you would like to be covered away from home you will need to select Personal Belongings cover.

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