Can PMI be waived?

If you weren’t able to put down 20% when you purchased the property, you can have PMI waived once you’ve built up enough equity over time. But your lender isn’t going to automatically cancel your PMI premium once you’ve reached 80% LTV. You’ll have to reach out and request it. Jun 29, 2021

Is a 20 down payment worth it?

Putting at least 20% down can improve your chances of getting approved and locking in a lower rate (and monthly payment). Some lenders and programs will accept less than 20% down, but in most instances you’ll need to buy mortgage insurance.

What is the 28% rule?

According to this rule, a household should spend a maximum of 28% of its gross monthly income on total housing expenses and no more than 36% on total debt service, including housing and other debt such as car loans and credit cards.

What are the 4 C’s of credit?

Standards may differ from lender to lender, but there are four core components — the four C’s — that lender will evaluate in determining whether they will make a loan: capacity, capital, collateral and credit. Sep 2, 2021

What is it called when your house is worth more than you owe?

Equity is the difference between what you owe on your mortgage and what your home is currently worth. If you owe $150,000 on your mortgage loan and your home is worth $200,000, you have $50,000 of equity in your home. Dec 3, 2020

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