Can a neighbor drain water onto your property?

Can a neighbor drain water onto your property?

There is a natural right of drainage that allows water that flows naturally across your land to flow downhill naturally to your neighbour’s land. But you are not allowed to artificially channel water a way that will cause damage your neighbour’s land. If you do, you may face a civil action.

Who is responsible for leaking roof?

Roof leaks are normally the management company’s responsibility to fix and the service charge contributions will usually include a sum for general repairs like this. Feb 10, 2021

What can I do if my Neighbour damaged my property?

What should I do if my neighbour has damaged my property? Start by talking to your neighbour. It’s important to do this as soon as you notice the damage, otherwise it could get worse and the repair bill become more expensive. You can ask your neighbour if they’ll pay for the damage up front. Jan 9, 2020

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