Are hippos aggressive?

Are hippos aggressive?

Hippos are aggressive and are considered very dangerous. They have large teeth and tusks that they use for fighting off threats, including humans. Sometimes, their young fall victim to adult hippos’ tempers. Feb 18, 2022

What are hippos afraid of?

There is nothing scientifically documented that says hippos are afraid of anything, but some sources say crocodiles and sharks are their main fear. Crocodiles sometimes prey on young and adult hippos and sharks because we don’t know much about them.

What is a HiPPO in the workplace?

HiPPO is an acronym for the “”highest paid person’s opinion”” or the “”highest paid person in the office.”” The acronym is used to describe the tendency for lower-paid employees to defer to higher-paid employees when a decision has to be made.

What is HiPPO in project management?

HiPPO, the acronym for “highest paid person’s opinion”, is the manager pops into your project at the last moment and offers an opinion on what to include to make the project a success. You should consider the idea for obvious reasons, even if it’s out of scope, past deadline or as crazy as buying Volkswagen stock. Nov 24, 2015

What is HiPPO effect?

HiPPO Effect is the effect where the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO) affects the decision rather than underlying data. Such people are usually senior in the organization and their opinions influence the group’s discussion. Aug 18, 2020

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