What would happen if you don’t have health insurance?

What would happen if you don’t have health insurance?

Without health insurance coverage, a serious accident or a health issue that results in emergency care and/or an expensive treatment plan can result in poor credit or even bankruptcy.

Is it illegal not to have health insurance?

As of 2019, the Obamacare individual mandate – which requires you to have health insurance or pay a tax penalty –no longer applies at the federal level. However, five states and the District of Columbia have an individual mandate at the state level. Jan 21, 2022

Is Pennie the same as Obamacare?

The comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010 (sometimes known as the ACA, or “Obamacare”). Pennie operates Pennsylvania’s state-based marketplace in accordance with the ACA. The law provides numerous customer benefits and protections, including: Making health coverage more accessible and affordable. Oct 1, 2020

Is Pennie Medicaid?

Who can get coverage? PA residents who are citizens, U.S. nationals, or have a qualified immigration status can apply and enroll in health coverage through Pennie. Not covered through work or another program like Medicaid? You can find the coverage that’s right for you through Pennie.

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Is Pennie legitimate?

A: Pennie is the state-based marketplace that’s exclusively for Pennsylvania residents. Pennsylvanians can shop for health insurance plans through Pennie or the UPMC Health Plan Marketplace.

What is Pennie plan?

Pennie, the health insurance marketplace for Pennsylvania residents, lets you easily compare different insurance plans. Once you find a plan you like, you just apply, enroll, pay and you’re covered! Compare plans and get a quick quote.

Who runs Pennie?

The Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange Authority The Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange Authority is the state‑affiliated entity that operates the online marketplace known as Pennie.

What does Pennie stand for?

Affordable Care Act. Key articles. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010) Provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Is Pennie the same as healthcare gov?

In July 2019, Gov. Wolf signed legislation establishing the state-based marketplace. Pennie replaces healthcare.gov as Pennsylvania’s official destination for shopping for quality health insurance plans and the only source for financial assistance to help with the cost of coverage and care. Nov 1, 2021

How do I contact Pennie?

If you are a customer who would like to speak with one of Pennie’s friendly and knowledgeable Customer Service Representatives you can call the Pennie Contact Center at 1-844-844-8040. If you are a Pennie Certified Broker or Assister and you need assistance you can call the Pennie Contact Center at 1-844-844-4440.

How do I get a Pennie account?

Identify who should be the agency manager. Have your designated agency manager contact the dedicated Pennie producer call center at 844-844-4440. … Have a valid PA Health Producer License and National Producer Number. Complete Pennie Training. Allow Pennie 5-7 business days to complete your certification. Dec 23, 2020

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How much is health insurance in PA per month?

Pennsylvania residents can expect to pay an average of $479 per person* for a major medical individual health insurance plan. Prices will vary and premiums can be lower if you are in good health. … How much does health insurance cost in Pennsylvania? Metal Level Average Monthly Premium* Bronze $479 Silver $622 Gold $653

When did Pennie start in PA?

Pennie was created by Act 42 of 2019, passed unanimously by both chambers of the General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf on July 2, 2019. Sep 22, 2020

What is Obamacare called in PA?

Pennsylvania – Obamacare. Essential facts about the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) in Pennsylvania, including whether you must get health insurance, how much it costs, and how you can save money.

How does Pennie verify income?

Proof of Household Income. Paycheck stubs showing employee information, pay date or pay period, and gross amount of pay, for the 4 weeks prior to the date listed on your notice. Nov 4, 2020