Is there a new protocol to not prescribe antibiotics to people? Or to make it really hacked out difficult?

This has been my experience thru Telemedicine more than Once since Covid. Telemedicine experience: Re: upper respiratory congestion.

Report discolored mucus and difficulty expelling it with coughing

Report I took a Covid test. Results negative.

Doctor can hear the rattle when I was asked to exhale=evidence of the congestion.

Doctor asks about difficulty sleeping due to congestion. Doctor offers a prescription to help me sleep. I politely decline.

Doctor recommends taking another Covid test and getting a chest X-ray and blood test to make sure it’s not viral….

And of course to expose myself to other viruses such Covid itself, which we are all still making an effort not to obtain (hence, telemedicine appointment) and assorted bugs, clog up an urgent care, get other people sick with what I have, get radiated, and circulate more business through the health insurance but would not offer me a simple z-pack antibiotic. Doctor said antibiotic may not be beneficial if my illness is viral. I explain that I have a history of upper respiratory cases and was always informed that at the point at which your phlegm is discolored, it is an infection and antibiotic is needed regardless of whether illness is bacterial or viral in origin. I ask doctor have the protocols changed? Answer: yes, since Covid, certain protocols have changed.

Summary: it is more dangerous to prescribe me a simple z-pack even though I present evidence of condition for which it is warranted than it is to prescribe me dangerous sleep aid. WTF Isn’t getting hooked on addictive and mind altering medication more scary than the prospect of prescribing me an antibiotic that there is a very small chance that it would not be beneficial?

See also  University Insurance

Do any of you really think these doctors give a f*ck and are trying to protect you from the shadowy prospect that an antibiotic might not be needed but will gladly run you thru the gauntlet?

There is no re-sale concern for street exchange of antibiotics but there is for sleeping pills.

Getting on sleeping pills in the 2020s is casual. Telemedicine redirects you to the in-house. You test negative for Covid again in-house. They give you xray to confirm they see your lungs aren’t clear, so they can prescribe you prednisone like the bank used to offer lollipops and maybe but very much maybe not antibiotic.

Pretending that no help is available for something until viral origin is ruled out is our new talking point while you suffer, sucker. Z-pack is a no-no. It’s too simple and OP for the game we are moderating. Ya? Bruh……