Would Tricare retroactively cover this service if I re-enroll?

I was a dependent of my father for tricare, and I was dropped one month ago when I turned 21.

They said I could re-enroll as a young adult under my dad as a dependent until I finish college (in spring). I just needed a form from school to prove enrollment. I have the form and was going to re-enroll when I went back home in a couple weeks (I’m out of state).

Unfortunately, I had to go to the ER yesterday as someone uninsured. I had an unintentional overdose on my medication (Wellbutrin) and was worried that I might’ve been or might eventually experience symptoms of it – I talked to poison control and said I could die if I didn’t go to the ER.

So, I did. They said I had to stay overnight, so I did. I turned out fine, and I could’ve probably been fine if I just stayed home, but I was so freaked out after looking at the side effects and talking to poison control.

Because I had the service done without insurance, I know I’ll have a fat bill. A doctor mentioned that tricare probably won’t cover retroactively, but I thought I’d ask here. I plan to call them, but I do want to resolve this without my parents finding out. I don’t know if I’d be able to do that as a dependent. I fully plan to pay the bill myself as I was a stupid idiot, and I made a mistake.

I was wondering if it would be possible to have tricare (young adult) retroactively cover this? It would be about three weeks after the service was performed. I was going to talk to billing on Monday to see what my options were as someone that’s not insured . If I am able to retroactively get my bill covered, would I be able to switch my plan from uninsured to with tricare? Also, if tricare can cover this, would there be a way to resolve it myself without my dad finding out about it?

See also  Never got the bill. Now in collections.

As much as I hate myself right and feeling even more depressed, I don’t plan to self harm. That wasn’t why I overdosed in the first place. I don’t need to be reminded of my irresponsibility and how I’ll potentially have to carry a huge bill for the next couple years. I don’t plan to do something like this ever again. Thank you for any response!

submitted by /u/DepressedChristiannn