Worth it to appeal an insurance pre-authorization decision?

I was recently diagnosed with a hip labral tear, but my pain in my hip is very mild. I actually initially thought it was a femoral stress fracture, but that has since cleared up as well. My sports doctor prescribed me physical therapy, but my insurance (LifeWise AC, Washington) requires pre-authorization for physical therapy visits. I had my physical therapist submit the forms and medical records for this. Unfortunately, my insurance denied me visits because they deemed physical therapy as not medically necessary. At this point, I would like to know if it is worth it to appeal the decision and bring in a letter of medical necessity from my sports doctor? Or if this is just a waste of time? Or if there are any other suggestions for winning an appeal? I only ever get soreness in my hip occassionally, but I am an active athlete so I don’t want to wait around for my hip to get worse. Thank you!

submitted by /u/baobao1325

See also  What happens if claim is rejected (w out appealing)