Will my PPO cover a visit to a second dermatologist?

Hello everyone, I’m a college student on my university’s PPO health plan. I recently visited an NP who specializes in dermatology for a few appointments. He suspects I have a rare skin condition and prescribed some medicine that would treat it (if I have that condition).

I want to get a second opinion from a dermatologist. If I visit an in-network dermatologist, will my PPO health insurance cover it? Or will they determine that it is not “medically necessary” since I am already visiting the NP specializing in dermatology? I’m new to this health insurance stuff, and I think it would be covered but I figure you guys might know. Also, I will call my health insurance tomorrow to ask.

Additionally, my PCP wrote me a referral to a dermatologist in hospital / outpatient healthcare network (think NYU Langone type of system). That appointment is a few months away. In the event that my health insurance does not cover my visit to the in-network dermatologist I intend to see, could I ask my PCP to write a retroactive referral to that dermatologist and appeal it? Or should I get my PCP to write the referral before seeing the dermatologist? My PPO does not require referrals, I’m just wondering if it will strengthen my claim.

Sorry if these questions seem stupid / make no sense, just a worried college woman who wants to get treatment but is concerned about potentially being not covered by health insurance.

submitted by /u/throwaway_plz1

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