Will I lose my Advance Premium Tax Credit if I turn down my new job health insurance

Background: I was previously an independent contractor and gotten health insurance from my state marketplace exchange through open enrollment. I currently pay $80.57 a month and have an Advance Premium Tax Credit of $319 for United Health Care Silver D Advantage plan HMO. I recently gotten a new job where my employer offers health insurance. The employer health insurance is Blue Cross Blue Shield RS33 plan PPO where I will be paying 134.98 bi weekly ($269.96 a month). If I don't take my new job insurance plan will I lose the Advance Premium Tax Credit with my current insurance?

Details about the insurance plans:

Current insurance is HMO that cost $80.57 a month with APTC of $319. Has a $800 deductible, and out-of-pocket limit of $3,000. Primary care visit no charge, Specialist visit $40 co pay, Preventive care no charge.

New job insurance is PPO that cost $269.96 a month. Has a deductible of $7,500 and out of pocket limit of $5,000. Primary care visit $40 copayment, Specialist visit $40 co pay, and preventive care no charge.

submitted by /u/Baka1244

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