Will I be billed full price if I go to a doctor that isn’t my assigned PCP at a Sanitas facility? (Florida Blue)

I purchased my plan through the marketplace, its a Florida Blue MyBlue plan and they assigned me a doctor at a Sanitas location. I tried to call to make an appointment with her to establish care and they said they "couldn't find her in the agenda" so they would just schedule an appointment with a different person. I told them I didn't think I could do that unless I changed my PCP on my account and the person told me that since Sanitas has the exclusive deal with Florida Blue that I would be covered no matter who I saw there for Primary Care. That felt incorrect to me so I called Florida Blue twice to confirm and got two different answers, one saying he was correct and the other saying not necessarily.

I called Sanitas back to get the person they scheduled me with's name and npi number and realized she's not even listed on the Florida blue website for me to change my pcp to. But, I also noticed not all the information on that list is even correct.

Has anyone else dealt with Florida Blue, assigned PCPs, and Sanitas? Is it likely that I'm going to have to pay in full for this establishing care/wellness appointment if this personis not my assigned pcp? I just want to get my script for birth control re upped but I'm nervous about getting a surprise bill because Sanitas told me I could see anyone there.

submitted by /u/ConsistentPlankton5

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