Wife needs to become a stay at home mom because our caretaker (MIL) is no longer fit to watch our kid. Can my wife and daughter sign up for Medicaid or do we not qualify? [Florida]

I make $75k/year and my wife makes roughly $20k/year as a part time homeschool teacher in Tampa Bay, FL. My MIL watches our daughter while we are at work. I pay for health insurance for my daughter and wife (mine is free through my company). However, my MIL has suffered from some serious anxiety attacks/suicidal thoughts and we do not trust her caring for our daughter anymore. We are considering what to do now, as we are already tight on money (though I’m sure we can tighten that up by decreasing food expenses). Options include:

seeing if we can qualify for some kind of discounted/free child care for a 3 year old so that we can both keep working since we both really like our jobs

wife becomes a stay at home mom and see if she and my daughter can qualify for free healthcare

Back in college, I made too much to qualify for medicaid but my fiancee (now wife) and daughter were both eligible for free healthcare and WIC benefits. I’m afraid now that since we’re married, they take my money into account as the household income which would disqualify them from health insurance. I’m currently paying about $220~ per week for their health insurance which seems insanely high to me. Some advice on what we can do would be much appreciated.

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