Why would Medi-Cal make it so that Costco pharmacy won’t fill a prescription (Ritalin) that I always pay out of pocket?

Hi all

So today Costco calls me to inform me that they can’t fill my Ritalin prescription that they’ve filled many times before, citing that it was because I was on Medi-Cal, and apparently they told Costco that I have to go through Kaiser to get it filled.

I thought I was off Medi-Cal for a while now, I had reported my new income when I got a new job, and that should have kicked me off. Apparently not. I called and had it cancelled but that doesn’t kick in til later this month.

Anyways, what the hell? I don’t understand at all why Medi-Cal has anything to do with me filling a prescription I pay for out of pocket anyways… No insurance company or medical insurance program should have the power to tell someone not to fill a prescription when they’re not even involved in payment.

I was legitimately diagnosed, was diagnosed as a child and an adult, and I’m sick of there always being some fucking problem when I get medicine

For those wondering why I didn’t go to Kaiser, it’s because they wanted me to piss clean of weed, alcohol, and all other drugs before they’d even consider prescribing me. I bet some people agree with that, but I have a social life and I think it’s fucked up to expect someone to be completely sober of everything before they’re given drugs that help attention span.

But yeah I’d love any insight. It’s weird that this is a problem now, it’s almost like they’re just fucking with me or something.

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