Why to chose employer offered insurance over marketplate?

Hey, sorry for that dumb question but I live in the US for one year now and haven't dealt with such a system before.

Last year I just used health insurance through my employer and not really have used it. With all going on my life back then it was just the most convenient choice.

I'm paying $811/month and my employer pays $634/month for me, my wife and my 3y/o.

My family deductable is $7,000 and copay $13,000.

We are going to have another baby next year which will increase my costs per month totalling around $1,100.

Now I see plans like $722 with $0 deductable or $2k deductable but with $15 primary care per appointment or with dental included what I pay extra for at the moment.

Why should I chose my employers insurance when I can pay less and get better services? Is it just how it is or are there general exclusions or something like that?

Sorry for that super dumb question and googling these days often ends up in pages that just want to sell $hit.

Side note: I work in software engineering. Compared to others in that industry my plan must suck 😅

submitted by /u/Which_Seat2796

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