Why is my secondary health insurance being charged so much money, after my primary insurance already covered it?

I’m having an insurance issue that I really don’t understand how to navigate.

Basically, I was on my dad’s insurance (UHC) but switched because it didn’t cover my ADHD medication. Now I’m on my stepdad’s insurance (Humana) as my primary, and UHC as my secondary.

I’m coming across an issue though, where UHC is still being charged a ton of money. For example, I’ll get a refill of Vyvanse (and am always sure tell Walgreens to run Humana as my primary.) They say okay cool, it’s mostly covered, you just owe $40; I think great, everything is totally fine!!

But then, somehow, my dad’s UHC account is still getting charged $350+ each time! It’s not just for the Vyvanse either, it’s for a lot of other appointments and other prescriptions too. It’s so confusing because I don’t know why it’s happening! It’s to the point that my dad’s healthcare spending account is at $0 and he has to pay out of pocket till he meets his deductible. That’s obviously really stressful, so I told him I’d handle it… but I’ve never dealt with insurance alone before (I’m 21 and trying to become more independent) so I don’t know where to start!

Do I need to call UHC? Or call Humana? Or call the various offices/pharmacies the charges came from? Also, why is this happening in general?? Is it supposed to be this way, that my secondary is still charged the full amount even after my primary is charged?

Any tips are so, so, so greatly appreciated. I’m also more than happy to provide any extra info as needed. TIA! 🙂

See also  (GA) Ambetter sent out my monthly statement, and it says I don't have to pay this month. Why?

submitted by /u/SmokeCanary