Why does my mom not qualify for insurance (Medi-cal, covered California)

Hello everyone my mom(58) just recently got diagnosed with breast cancer. So I have been trying my best to find an insurance plan as she needs it before she starts treatment (well we have been trying even before we knew she had breast cancer) because it’s too expensive/they won’t do anything until she has insurance. Plus she has recently lost her Medi-cal because she “makes a lot” she has had it since Covid ; My question here is she makes around $640 weekly annually is around 23,000. Even if we put our house hold income (4ppl) and still below means she still doesn’t qualify when applying (medi-cal & covered California)is there anything else or resources we can go to( she will be seeing a social worker tomorrow) Seeing her stressed out & feel helpless makes me and my siblings feel so awful so any tips are very helpful!!! Also she is undocumented. Plus paying over $700 monthly for insurance isn’t on her budget as of right now or just overall as she will be part time instead of full time from her job as she doesn’t want to overwork herself. Tysm for reading/giving tips

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