Why does insurance not cover things that can help prevent further issues?

My husband has a heart condition and when he was recently in the hospital, Cardiac Rehab was suggested. We went to the initial intake appointment for the outpatient program and we were advised to check with our insurance to see that it is covered.

I called our insurance company and they said that there are 4 phases and they will only cover the first two. The "phase" of the program he would be doing sounds like it is phase 3 – monitored exercise. The program would be amazing for him but he doesn't want to pay out of pocket for it. I am so frustrated. Why do they not want to cover things that would be beneficial and possibly help a person avoid further hospitlizations?

Is there a way to appeal a decision like that or are we just out of luck? I have never had issues with insurance not covering something so this is new territory for us. We can take what they told us during the intake session and do on our own at home, but honestly having the education, support, and monitoring would be so helpful to build better habits and routine.

submitted by /u/mn-mom-75

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