Why does healthcare.gov have to be so MENACING?

On April 3, I discovered I had 2 dental policies, so I called Humana to cancel one of the policies. They transferred me, and unbeknownst to me, they transferred me to the marketplace. So I told them I'd like to cancel my policy, still thinking I was talking to Humana. They went ahead and canceled my policy then said they'd send the info to BCBS. I caught that and asked what BCBS had to do with a Humana policy. That's when I discovered I was talking to the marketplace and not Humana. Long story short, I accidentally canceled my health insurance. So now they're reviewing the situation and it could take 30-45 days to reinstate the policy, if they're decent enough to do so. So I'm without health insurance at the moment.

I am absolutely appalled at how confusing the marketplace is and unless you're an agent, you really can't navigate the market place on your own. On top of that, all of the correspondence I've gotten from BCBS has been so menacing, mean and threatening. WHY does this have to be so complicated???? They seem so hostile to me and I feel like this is a mistake that has to happen a lot.

I'm just demoralized and flabbergasted at my situation and I'm sure I'm not alone. I wanted to vent. I wish the marketplace was on Yelp so I could leave a review.

submitted by /u/Harry-lover2020

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